Crossing The finish Line

Crossing The finish Line
Crossing the finish line of the Canadian Death Race shortly after 7 AM. 125 kilometres in 23 hours 21 minutes.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

New Running Partner

Kimber's was sure she could ride her bike 6 km tonight but wanted to go the full 10 km if she could make it. I told her is she could make it all the way up the first hill without stopping, we would go 10 km.

Well, she made it so we pushed on to the 5 km mark where we turned around and headed home.

I think she is better suited for my long runs when I am supposed to be able to talk the whole time. It was a challenge discussing her random topics when I was running a 5:30 pace.  Luckily, she needed help getting up some of the bigger hills so I would push/pull her bike up the hill while I answered her questions and tried to catch my breath.

As we neared home and I started walking after the 10 km mark, she comented confidently, that she is pretty sure that she can ride with me on my 32 km run this weekend. I dont want to disapoint her, but I think Ill run alone....I dont think I can talk THAT much, even on my slow runs!!!


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