Crossing The finish Line

Crossing The finish Line
Crossing the finish line of the Canadian Death Race shortly after 7 AM. 125 kilometres in 23 hours 21 minutes.

Monday 29 May 2017

Calgary Marathon

Well, this is pretty much how it all started!!!  A smile on our faces, full of enthusiasm and laughs.  Yes, I realize the race was yesterday and Im a day late posting this, but after an 8 hr drive back from Calgary, sleep was the only thing on my mind when we arrived home just after 11 PM. 

The day started bright and early at 5AM with my usual running breakfast of oatmeal.  Making oatmeal in a hotel room is always a special treat.  The coffee maker water just isnt quit hot enough and I forgot to ask for a microwave for the room when we checked in.

At 6:00 we were sitting on a bus in front of the Westin hotel waiting for the last few people to board so we could make our way to Stampede Park.  Mentally, I still wasnt too much "in the zone"....I just couldnt get there!!!

When the starting horn went off, there wasnt a cloud in the sky and there was just a slight breeze. In the first couple kilometers I warmed up nicely, then settled into a good easy pace.

Fortunatly, there was lots of company on the course, because it didnt take long for me to get board. I just felt so good, that I didnt really have to focus on anything.  I just had fun. About 10 km in, Steve and Megan stopped to stretch out some hamstring issues....Eileen and I continued on after making a Facebook live video of them fading off into our distant past. 

Someone had previously warned me about the steep grade at km 12....and true to Eileens running style, her pace never slowed; and mine did!!  Soon I was seperated from my team and had to find a zone of my own. 

As we started to come into the university campus, Steve and Megan caught up to me again so we ran together.  I was admiring some runners' breakfast that had been left "splashed" on the curb and the seriousness of the race started to set in, but then my mind was once again distracted.... A small rabbitt ran from under a bush and across the nearby campus lawn.  It wasnt holding a sign with its estimated pace, so I sprinted across the grass after it!!!!  

The rabbitt's pace was somewhat faster than mine and it seemed to think that the finish line was on the other side of a tall hedge, so I abandoned the dilusional pace bunny and rejoined the marked race course. 

Kilometer 21 I found myself running alone again, then the bordome really set in!!!  The pavement never seemed to END!!!  

Soon, my pace started to slow and I had to push myself past the 34 kilometer marker. It wasnt long before Steve and Megan caught up to me and helped me maintain a steady pace. Run to the kilometer marker, then walk 150 meters; run a kilometer, then walk 150 meters. This was the rythem we used to complete the final kilometers of the race.

As we started to near the finish line, Steve and I began to strategize on our finish line sprint. We "agreed" that we would do a slow sprint the last couple meters just to say we sprinted to the line.

Well, as we rounded the last corner and the finish line was in sight, the agreed apon finishing strategy seemed to be forgotten!!!  Steve sped up a little, so I increased my pace, then Steve moved in front of me again!!!  Thats when I realized that the "agreement" was more of a "plot" for Steve to pass me on the homestretch!!!  Not no be beat, I musterd all the energy I could and blew out a full blown sprint. Steve did the same, and as the croud cheered us on, Steve crossed the finish line a step ahead of me with a finish time of 4:43:19!!!! 

It was a great race, with an AMAZING finish!!!  After pictures were taken and hugs and high fives were given. The real pain started to set in.  I didnt really have any sore "spots", I was just worn out!!!

But, I guess that means I just have to train harder for my next marathon...and this one, wont be on a boring road....

Friday 26 May 2017

My Final Training Run!!!

Well, the last training run is in the books...actually, I ran it last night but I was too tired afterwards to make a post.

Tonight, my bags are packed and we will be on the road to Calgary in just over 7 hrs. Departure time is scheduled for 6:30 AM tomorrow.  Calgary Scotia Bank Marathon....HERE I COME!!!!

Im definitly feeling ready, but Im not really nervous about anything....and that kinda bothers me!!  I feel well trained, my body is healthy, and I feel ready to do this!!!

I met with my nutritionist yesterday and got my final numbers.  I didnt quite make my goal of 200 lbs; but I lost 9 lbs of fat (which is really discusting when you think about it) and I gained 3 lbs of muscle, which she said is suprising to do by just running.

I cant do anything more now, and I definitly wouldnt feel so prepaired if it wasnt for the help and guidance of my running coach, Krista Mitchell and my nutritionist Jenn Kloberdanz.

Sunday morning....wish me God-speed....


Saturday 20 May 2017

My Running Inspiration!!!

Last spring, when I was training for the Vancouver half marathon, I met Cody quite a few times on the Muskoseepi trails.  Running up the hills with him while he wheeled his wheelchair right along side of me, proved to me that anything is possible if you put your mind to it!!!

Today, I met him again for the first time this year.  As we went along the trail today, we compaired our racing sucesses.  I must congratulate Cody on finishing the Kamloops Marathon last summer!!!  Next Sunday, when I run my first full marathon, I can only hope that I have the tenacity and drive that he has!!

My run today was 16 km at "race pace".  The target pace was 6:20 and I finished todays run at 6:14!!!  Whoohoo!!! It was a very warm and windy run with temperatures in the high teens....tough running, but thanks to Cody, my step was a bit faster!!!

One week, and 21 kms of training left until the big day!!!

Sunday 14 May 2017

More than 250 for Brian Harms race

More than 250 for Brian Harms race: One of the first local major outdoor runs of the season is complete.

Brian Harms Road Race....and a run!!

My second road race of the season is in the books!!  It was more of a training run that a race but I ran the diststance....that is what is important!!!

My training schedule was to ru 23 km today at 6:15 pace so I decided to make a 6 km loop to the race startline in Muskoseepi Park, run the 15 km race, then run the shorter 2 km route home to comeplete my distance.

It was a beautiful morning for a run.  When I left the house it was mostly cloudy and only +1.  By the time the race started, the sun came out and it was blue skies!!!

After leaving the start line, I was beginning to settle into my stride when I noticed I was keeping pace with a lady who seemed much more experienced at running than I am. We soon started talking and found out that she was a trail marathon runner and was just coming off an injury so she was going to run "slow".....  During the converstion, I looked at my watch and saw that her "slow pace" was about 5:30.

As the 15 kilometers slowly counted down, I managed to stay caught up with her, for the duration of the race. She was even nice enough to walk my intervals with me!!

In the final kilometer, I discussed my homestretch strategy.  Apparently, real runners are supposed to smile and sprint to the finish...even though that is a LIE!!!  I do not want to smile OR sprint to the finish line, but I told her I was not going to do my best to sprint...but I was NOT going to race her to the finish line!!!

In the end, I did manage to bust out a sprint...and a grin as I crossed the finish line and apparently, it paid off!!!  I finished second in my age category!!!!

After looking at the final standings, I was disappointed though....there were only 2 of us in my age category....

Thanks to Laverna, I finished the race with a 5:55 pace.  That alone made my day!! 

After recieving my medal,  I shuffled the final 2 kilometers home to complete my distance. I couldn't help but think of the Calgary Marathon that is only 2 weeks away....and only 57 kilometers left to run in the next two weeks!!!

Thursday 11 May 2017

The Sugar Test

My 10 km fartlek training run started out like any other run...except I had just awaken from a post-supper nap on the couch and it was apparent that I was lacking in motivation. When I walked outside is was quite warm, so I just wore shorts and a lite tee shirt.

I did notice the ominous clouds to the south, but they had been there all I wasnt too worried about rain for a while yet. Well, 2 km into my run, the wind got CRAZY!!! Luckily, I was wearing my Halo headband because it didnt take long for my hair to get all messed up and windblown!!  Then it started to POUR!!

At the 3 km mark I contemplated taking the shortcut home; then I decided to save my first DNF (Did Not Finish) for a race, or when I die, or some other more serious event than a rain storm.

Again at the 6 km mark, the short cut to my house seemed somewhat appealing, but In my somewhat hypothermic state, I turned left and kept on running towards the reserviour.

It was an erie night...the birds in the bushes we silent and there were no other runners on the path. I did meet up with one other lady, out for a jog. When we met on the path, we high-fived each other.  I commented on how amazing and dedicated we were, then I kept running through the sheets of rain and puddles.

I have learned in my running "career", that no run is complete without a lesson learned....  Today, I learned that sugar really doesnt melt in the rain...or maybe that wasnt real rain...???

I also learned that my Halo headband is AMAZING if you have a hairline like mine and there is rainwater mixed with sweat cascading down my expansive run-off in my eyes tonight!!!

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Big News...You Wont Want to Miss Out!!!

It's OFFICIAL....the medals are ordered!!!

It started a few weeks ago, on a 32 km run with Lisa Lauzon from Walk Run And More....  At first, it was just a hairbrained idea to distract my mind from my failing intestinal tract (See my blog post from April 30).  Soon, Lisa realized I was serious about the idea and agreed to help me!!!  A new adventure race is coming to Grande Prairie!!!

Mark your calendars, on September 30, for the Amazing Grande Prairie Sidewalk Race!!!

It will be a 10 to 12 km course through the streets of Grande Prairie.  During the race, teams of two will follow somewhat obvious clues to multiple checkpoint businesses.  At each checkpoint, there will be a challenge to complete before you receive the clue for the next destination.

Be watching for a Facebook page with more details.  Registration will be online and details will be shared soon.

We will be looking for volunteers and contacting local business to participate in the race. If you would like to be involved in any way, send me an email at

Oh yes!!!  Did I mention the MEDALS???  They are ordered and you WILL want one!!!

Sunday 7 May 2017

Junior Pace Setters for My Long Run!!!

Today was the final long run of my training program for the Calgary marathon. I always say, running seems to be a solo sport, but really, it is next to IMPOSSIBLE without a support crew.  This run was no exception and to help keep me going, the girls all agreed to ride their bikes on portions of the 32 kilometer run.

Kimbers took the first leg: km 1 - 10. This is the second time she has ridden her bike that far and today she did not dissapoint.  Topics discussed as we traveled:
  - Why do we stay on the right side of the path??
  - Why do trail tressles smell so good??
  - How do you get shoe laces unwrapped from bike peddles??
  - Do monsters get sick??
  - Why do I ride my bike into the bushes when I look back or into the woods??

Nicole was waiting at the house when we got back from the first leg. I refilled my water bottle and topped up my supply of dates, and we hit the trail.  Once again, the conversation did not disapoint:
  - Where is the 10 kilometer long hill Kimbers said she road up??
  - Do spiders get headaches??
  - Why do trail trestles smell so bad??
  - Why do I have to stay on the right side of the trail??
  - Why is Kimberly so strong??

I forgot to take a selfie of Autumn, so we did a Facebook video when we completed the third leg, from kilometer 20 to 32.  Im must admit, I was in a bit of a selfish state.  My muscles started to fatigue and there were sensations of chafing in less than desireable places.....but the conversations continued:
  - How do I change gears on my bike again??
  - Why do I have to stay on the right side of a trail, its not like we a driving in a car??
  - How do you play Frisbee Golf??
  - Why do all the bugs come out at night??

I must admit, most of these questions still have not been answered...and some never WILL be answered.  Usually, in the lull when I was breathing rather than talking, another question would be asked!! But at least I will have LOTS to ponder while I run my 42 km race.....why do I have such amazing girls??


Thursday 4 May 2017

Sock Testing Run

Summer is definitly here!!!  Bugs were getting stuck to my sweaty forehead....that is a sure sign!!!

Tonight was scheduled as a 10 km steady run with an average pace of 6:45.  I started a bit faster pace, just under 6:00.  The run just felt good!!!  I ran what felt right to my body and finished with a 6:29 pace. I wish wish I could have gone farther.

I tried something different tonight and didnt wear my usual compressions socks.  It was just to see how my calves and feet would respond.

I first noticed that my heel had a lot more movement in my shoe (which is not a good thing!!!).  I also noticed this the other day when I wore my Wright Socks.  My calves feel fine but and Im guessing they will still be good tomorrow.

These short runs are fun to try out different things....but lesson learned today - WEAR compressions socks with these shoes!!!

Tuesday 2 May 2017

New Running Partner

Kimber's was sure she could ride her bike 6 km tonight but wanted to go the full 10 km if she could make it. I told her is she could make it all the way up the first hill without stopping, we would go 10 km.

Well, she made it so we pushed on to the 5 km mark where we turned around and headed home.

I think she is better suited for my long runs when I am supposed to be able to talk the whole time. It was a challenge discussing her random topics when I was running a 5:30 pace.  Luckily, she needed help getting up some of the bigger hills so I would push/pull her bike up the hill while I answered her questions and tried to catch my breath.

As we neared home and I started walking after the 10 km mark, she comented confidently, that she is pretty sure that she can ride with me on my 32 km run this weekend. I dont want to disapoint her, but I think Ill run alone....I dont think I can talk THAT much, even on my slow runs!!!